My Son Was Going to Marry the Love of His Life, but the Secret Letter Ruined Their Fairytale Wedding

Nick and Emily’s dream wedding turned into a nightmare when a letter from Nick’s ex, Natalie, sparked a scandal. Unraveling a web of deceit, they confronted truths that tested their love and trust in a dramatic quest for vindication.

Five years ago, Nick introduced us to his girlfriend, Emily, and right off the bat, she struck me as someone special. Emily was clever, funny, and respectful, winning us over instantly.

Now, it’s important to mention Nick’s ex, Natalie. She and Nick had a long history, and while their breakup was amicable, I always sensed unresolved feelings from her end. So, when Emily came into the picture, I braced myself for awkward encounters.

Surprisingly, Natalie and Emily became best friends. The past felt like water under the bridge, and we embraced Emily as part of our family. Everything seemed perfect, until the letter.


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