My Husband Made a Menu and Demands That I Cook Him Meals from It Every Day

Sarah believed her marriage was strong until she found a gourmet menu on the fridge, demanding she cook extravagant meals after long workdays. The confrontation that followed revealed deep cracks in their relationship.

Despite her demanding job as a project manager, Sarah managed household chores, while Tom, her husband, worked regular hours as an accountant and often complained about being tired. Returning home to the menu, Sarah was furious. “You expect me to cook all these meals after working all day?” she asked Tom, who casually replied, “I thought it would be nice to have some structure and variety.”

Realizing how unfair this was, Sarah devised a plan. She hired a chef to prepare the gourmet meal Tom wanted and paid with his car savings. When Tom discovered this, he was shocked. “I didn’t realize how unfair I was being,” he admitted.

After this lesson, Tom and Sarah began sharing cooking duties, creating simple, delicious meals together. Readers had mixed reactions, with some criticizing Tom and others praising Sarah’s creative solution.


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