My Husband Lied to Me about Going on Business Trips – When I Found Out What He Was Really Busy Doing, I Went Pale

Mary always trusted Stephen’s excuses for missing important events. But when another “business trip” threatened to ruin her birthday, she dug deeper. What she discovered about his secret life left her reeling in shock and disbelief.

“It’s for a business trip out east,” Stephen would say, smoothing his tie with that familiar, reassuring smile. “Another trip to DC for 8 days,” he’d add, pecking me on the cheek as he grabbed his suitcase.

At first, I was understanding. But when he started missing every important event, including our anniversary and my birthday, I began to resent the sound of his suitcase wheels. This year, he was going to miss my birthday again. Frustrated, I confronted him. “Stephen, you’re seriously going to miss my birthday for another so-called business trip?”

He looked up from packing, a sheepish expression on his face. “I’m sorry, babe. You know I don’t have a choice. It’s work.”

The same words. Every time.

After calling his boss, I discovered Stephen hadn’t been on any business trips. Following him, I found him at his grandparents’ house, where he met with his mistress. “How could you lie to me like this?” I choked out. “Mary, I’m sorry,” he said, filled with regret.

I filed for divorce, knowing I deserved honesty and respect. Friends and family supported me, and I began to rebuild my life, focusing on my career and finding solace in small joys.


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